Essential Botox Aftercare Guide And Tips For Your Face

The use of Orange County Botox in California has been a safe and effective treatment to reduce wrinkles and fine lines for some time now. Botox is one of the best tools to fight the signs of aging. Common Botox treatment areas include the mouth, neck and eyes. Nonetheless, just like any other procedure, there are precautions you should take after a Botox injection. If you want to achieve the best results then you should be sure to follow the following aftercare tips.

Don’t rub your face for a day

After having a Botox injection, you should avoid rubbing your face for about 24 hours. If you rub the area, you might move the dosage into unintended areas. Botox isn’t a filler but it is a toxin. This is why touching the area can cause undesired results such as nerve damage and drooping eyelids. To some people, this is common sense but most people don’t know.


Orange County Botox in CA doesn’t interfere with your normal life. You can go on with the rest of your day without any interference. There is barely any discomfort or pain. This means that you can go back to work. Achiness or soreness is likely to happen but it will subside within a few days. Light to medium exercise is fine for proper Botox treatment aftercare. However, if you want to avoid strenuous activities for a few days after treatment then it is okay.


After Orange County Botox treatment in California, you should avoid sleeping on the treated areas. Staying in one specific sleeping position can be tricky. However, you will have to control your sleeping in a few days if you want the best results. If you had a Botox injection in your face, you should try and sleep on your back. You should give the treatment enough time to settle into your muscles.

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